Hi friends! You guys know how much I adore simple and easy craft projects that can be done on a whim. Well, nothing is easier than these fresh cranberry balls, and can be mindlessly done while watching your favorite Hallmark Christmas movies on the couch 😉
Here’s what you’ll need to make your own…
- fresh cranberries and lots of them! It takes about 3/4 of a bag for each ball you make.
- styrofoam balls
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
Then all you do is start in the middle of the ball, glue a straight line down (about 2 inches) and then start popping on your cranberries.
It doesn’t hurt to have a little feline furry helper as well 🙂 She was very excited about all those balls and cranberries!
Once you go around the entire ball with your line of cranberries, start a new line, and a new line, and a new line… until your entire styrofoam ball is covered.
Then voila!
Instant holiday cheer! It doesn’t get simpler than that and I think it’s super festive in an elegant way! I bet you could even turn these into ornaments if you wanted to by hot glueing an eye hook into the ball and then tying a string or ribbon to it. Hmmm…I may do that now 😉
I just love decorating with natural elements this time of year, don’t you? I’d love to hear how your decorating is coming along either by commenting below or on my Facebook page!
…and for more easy holiday craft ideas check out my Christmas page…with lots more ideas coming soon!
Talk to you soon friends, take care!
These are SO pretty! Pinned so I can make a few for our table!
keri @ shaken together recently posted…A {Mini} Holiday Home Tour
Thank you Keri! Have a lovely Thanksgiving!XO
These are beautiful, look like something Pottery Barn would sell (my favorite) you did a fantastic job!!
Dria recently posted…KitchenAid Mixer Giveaway!
You’re so sweet Dria! Thanks so much 🙂
Love this post! How long in advance can you make these before they turn? Thank you.
It really depends on the cranberries. Look for a bag that has them looking more vibrant red than deep red. The more vibrant, the less ripe they are and then they’ll last longer. I kept them for about 2 weeks before I threw them out but I could have let them stay out longer I think. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!