You ever start a project and think oooooh this won’t take me too long…That’s our guest room built in wall, and at some point you just have to tell yourself to call it done and move on to something else. So we’re sticking a fork in it…well for now, at least! There’s still some minor touching up to do, but we won’t be building shelving for it anytime soon like originally planned since I’m still undecided about what exactly I want it to look like…Want to take a peek inside? Come on in…
I’m still waiting to find the perfect knobs for the cabinets. I’ve been looking but nothing has jumped out at me. 🙂 To recap our journey of building in this window seat area…we started by buying two raw wall cabinets from Home Depot, primed and painted them and built bases to raise them up a bit. You can read more about that>>here.
Then we built the window seat box and attached it to the cabinets…You can read more about that >>here. Since it’s always fun to look back and see why you started something to begin with…here’s the mess of a before! It’s hard to believe that this wall used to look like this just a few weeks ago…
So when I left y’all hanging last week this is where we were. Raw box, filling holes with wood filler and calking everything in sight. What I forgot to show you was how we dealt with the gaps on the sides of the cabinets and make them look “built in” to the wall. I’m sure what we came up with is totally wrong, but at this point we were done going to Home Depot and just needed to use whatever we already had- scraps. We used leftover pieces of 2×4 and drilled them securely into the wall to act as a brace for the cabinet and the MDF face we put over it. There’s 2 on each side, one on top and one on the bottom.
Then we measured and cut thin pieces of the MDF leftover from building the box. and used our brad nailer to nail them into place.
Then filled the crack going along the cabinet with wood filler, sanded, and the side where the wall is with caulk, and painted.
You totally can’t tell these little pieces are there now, so whether or not it’s the right way, it worked to fill that gap so I’m happy!
We opted to use poplar for a counter tops and to finish off the window seat. I think it added a lot of warmth and contrast to all the white and gray going on! I used my 3 coats of my favorite stain- Jacobean by Minwax and a few coats of satin poly for a slight sheen. To frame out the window seat box we just used cheap, good ol’ lattice. I think it really finished off the box nicely 🙂
And guys…I’m finally shopping for this room! I picked up a few natural elements like dried coral and some industrial globes. It’s coming together 🙂
The room feels so much bigger in there now, which is so weird considering the built-in took about 18 inches away from the foot print, but I’m so happy with the finished result, it was so worth it!
All that’s left really to do (for now) is to get the bed in there, and do a few little things and then we’ll be ready for our first guest! Who’s coming to stay? 😉
Oh and before I forget…
SURPRISE! Some of my blogging buddies and myself are giving away a $600 VISA gift card, so enter if you’re feeling lucky! 😉
Major Sponsors for this Giveaway are:
First Home Love Life / H2O Bungalow
The Everyday Home / Denise Designed
Please leave a comment and tell us what you would
love to buy with your lucky winnings.
You must only leave a comment, but completing other tasks or
all tasks will allow you extra chances of winning.
Good luck everyone!
Courtney says
I would use the $600 Visa for some new work clothes, and a portion of a treadmill. Hello, summer! 🙂
Priscilla says
Get a new pair of glasses!
katie says
oh your built-ins look great! I would put the money towards the baby if I won! 🙂
katie recently posted…Baby Shower Onesie Station
Teresa @ wherelovemeetslife says
Love your room!!! And good luck with CWTS! I would have to save this card for when we move into a new home… I will be in need of some decor!!! 🙂
Teresa @ wherelovemeetslife recently posted…A really cool email
Holly F says
I have a dremel tool and a metal stamping kit and several books saved on my Amazon wishlist