One of my favorite places to shop for organizational items is Ikea. The key to being successful sometimes there though is you have to think outside of the box! Ikea offers SO MANY things that can double, triple, even quadruple duty what they’re actually intended to be used for, so I’m always looking around with a very open mind! That’s how I ended up with these personalized pet food storage containers…even though they weren’t made for that purpose intentionally–they are the perfect storage solution!
I purchased two of these “KNODD” metal trash cans about a month ago from Ikea. They have a few different colors to choose from, but I went with the “Ikea White” which is a soft off-white color. As soon as I saw it I knew it would be the perfect thing to store our dog and cat food in. We always purchase the really large bags of pet food, and this can easily hold two bags with a little room to spare, but they do have a smaller can available that you can use if this one is too large.
When it comes to organizational tools that I can’t live without–the Silhouette Cameo is high up on my list! I don’t share enough of the things I use it for with you guys, and I think that needs to change! When I need a large label for something, this is my go-to tool of choice, and in this case I used it to create pet silhouettes as well for my can. 🙂
I started out by creating the design in the Silhouette Studio. I’m still trying to figure out how to turn this into a stencil for you in case you don’t have a Silhouette or other vinyl cutting machine and just want to paint this on. So keep checking back to see if I update this post with that PDF file for you. 🙂
Then loaded black vinyl into the Cameo to be cut and let the machine do it’s thing!
After the vinyl was cut, I used transfer paper to pick the design up and place it onto my can. I know if you don’t have a machine this seems confusing to you, but it couldn’t be easier, and if you can swing buying one–I promise, you will use it a ton! I actually bought mine through HSN, where you could make multiple payments, so it made it more affordable. 🙂
Once I smoothed out all the air bubbles with a credit card, and made sure the vinyl was stuck on the can I slowly peeled away the transfer paper and was left with this!
And of course, I couldn’t leave out our feline babies…
I just love them, and they’re so much prettier to look at then those big pet food bags!
Talk to you soon friends, take care!
Katie says
Love the pet food cans! So simple but yet make a big statement.
Katie recently posted…Tips & Tricks on Installing Butcher Block Countertops
Christine says
Thanks Katie! I see a Yorkie can in your future 🙂
Donna says
Hello! I came to your site via Pinterest to get your dog cupcake recipe. Of course I saw your Pets category in your sidebar, so I had to check it out.
Are the images that you used for the dog and cat a silhouette of your dog and cat, or are they from somewhere else? I love your idea and will have to talk my husband into doing something similar for our dog food containers….yes, two because they eat same brand but Lucy eats senior food and Abby eats Adult.
Christine says
I just googled ‘cat silhouette’ and ‘lab silhouette’ and saved the ones I liked best to my computer. Then opened it my Sihouette studio and tweaked it 🙂
alison says
I just got a silhouette and have had this container from ikea for my dog food for years. I’m just not sure where to start…. do you have a silhouette file of this that you can share? Do I need to start from scratch? would love any info ~ I’m such a newbie with the silhouette. Thanks in advance 🙂
Christine says
I just searched for “lab silhouette” and “cat silhouette” and picked the two I liked best. I’m not a pro at using the cutting machine. 🙂 There’s a lot of great Youtube videos that can show you how to find and save cut files.
Megan says
What kind of food do you feed your dogs?
Christine says
They’re on Wellness Brand