I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July yesterday! We BBQ’d, went swimming, lit off fireworks, and had a great night. I was too busy having a blast(literally) and forgot to take any pictures. Oh well! I can’t believe the next real decorating holiday will be Halloween. Yikes!
Anyway…Today is the day I get to pick a winner for my giveaway sponsored by P&G and The Home Depot. Special thank you to them for choosing to partner with First Home Love Life, and thank you to everyone who entered! Zoe wanted to help me pick a winner for this so we did things ‘old-school’ today.
Ready…Drum roll please….
Yay! Congrats to Heather from Life As We Know It With Two Twinkies And A Tatertot! You have 24 hours to contact me Heather, or I will pick a runner up!
Talk to you soon,
Yay! Emailing you now!