How I quadrupled my blog traffic in 3 months!
I’ve read a ton of fantastic ideas from seasoned bloggers on how to generate traffic to your blog and make money blogging. It’s always great to hear their tips and tricks especially when you’re a ‘newbie.’ I’m in no way a pro! I’m still learning every day and figuring out how to do things better, more creative, more inspiring or more efficient. It’s a learning experience, and it’s been a BLAST so far! I’ve been asked recently by a few of my friends (some are already bloggers, and others are looking to start one) on how to generate traffic to your site. So I thought it would be a great post to do here, to share the information I’ve learned thus far, and for you to get a perspective from a NEW(ER) bloggers point of view.
I’ll be honest with you and tell you that I’ve had quite a bit of LUCK that has helped me generate not only pageviews and followers, but income as well. Even though I started this page in June of 2011, I only started
really blogging a few months ago.
What does really blogging mean? It means being an active participant in the ‘blogisphere.’ I.E. Following, participating and communicating with lots of other blogs via Facebook, Twitter, GFC, Linky Followers, Google, Pinterest etc…
So here are some tips that I find to be THE MOST important when it comes to generating traffic and building your blog.
TAKE PRETTY PICTURES: I know you probably hear/see this a lot, but it matters! I’ve always had the same camera (Nikon D90) but it’s not about the camera really…If you scroll through my archives you can see a drastic difference in pictures when I finally learned to EDIT them. EDIT EDIT EDIT…It doesn’t matter if you have the most expensive DSLR, a little point and shoot, or even if you’re using a camera phone. Editing your pictures makes a HUGE difference! I don’t have Photoshop (yet) so I use free editing software like Pixlr or PicMonkey. Sure it takes more time but the end result is worth it, and if you want to get serious about your blog and the possibilities/doors it could open for you then it NEEDS to be done.
BE ACTIVE: I get it, you’re super busy, and this is a fun hobby for you. You don’t have time to sit at the computer for a few hours and comment on everyone’s blog. You don’t have to! Being active just means to acknowledge them every once in a while. Drop an email, participate in their link up parties, leave a comment on an inspiring post, ‘like’ their status update on Facebook. It just let’s them (and me) know you’re there and you’re reading.
BE CONSISTENT: When I first started out I was writing a post maybe once every two weeks. I felt like I didn’t ever do anything interesting enough to post about (which happens to all of us sometimes) But, why would anyone want to ‘follow’ you if you aren’t around much? People who follow you, or save your page in their favorites want to come check out what you’ve been doing OFTEN. So post OFTEN, and don’t worry about being so perfect all the time. Which brings me to my next tip…
This is a recent statistical chart that you can find in your own BLOGGER STATS. You can see that I didn’t get that much action until this past March (4 months ago) When I made this…
It was featured in quite a few places, and was pinned quite a few times. (still is) But when I posted something in May that I thought was the silliest, dumbest thing anyone has ever put on their blog (not to mention embarrassing for me) My blog stats went through the roof, and continue to do so every day! What was the post that finally me put me on the map? HOMEMADE PET ODOR ELIMINATOR That’s right, it wasn’t any spectacular room makeover, or super creative craft…It was the ‘crappy’ concoction that I made on a whim and decided to post at the last minute.Oh…and P.S. That stuff really does work!Case and point? Post it. Even if you think it’s stupid, it might be incredibly helpful to TENS OF THOUSANDS of people.
I hope these tips have helped you out. Whether you’re the new kid on the “blog” or still on the fence about starting one…these tips have helped me tremendously at becoming the little ol’ blogger I am today.
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Happy Blogging Friends!
Great post Christine and wonderful advice, thank you!
Thanks for taking the time to read Heather! You’re so welcome! Xo
Thanks for these tips, Christine! And congrats on the success of your blog. 🙂
You’re so welcome Jessica! Thanks for stopping by! Xo
Fantastic advice. I’ve been blogging for about 4 years now, but I really can say that participating in link parties really is fun and brings you to more interesting blogs and brings new bloggers your way. Even if they don’t choose to follow, which is fine, it brings me joy to see these random comments that are coming from other link party participants. And I’ve only been doing them since this month. Impressed!
Love that your part of my party Libby! Blog on girl! Xo
Great tips! I actually did find you by clicking through pinterest on your pet dor eliminator! 🙂
I’m so glad you found me Sandy! Lovely to have you here! Xo
Congratulations on your success! I think there are getting to be too many social medias to interact on though. If it was just the blog and facebook, or the blog and twitter, but all the others you mentioned nobody has that kind of time.
I agree Carlene. There are a ton of social media outlets. I link my twitter acct to my Facebook so when I post there…it automatically goes on Twitter. I’m rarely on it otherwise. I try to go on each social outlet once a week just to stay in the loop. Thanks for stopping by! Xo
Wow that is a huge amount of growth. Thank you for the tips, just starting out with a home/life blog within the last couple weeks and it’s a bit intimidating. But I think the connections with people are what matter most and I look forward to making more of them.
I couldn’t agree more Niki! The women (and some men) in the blogging world are truly amazing people. Good luck on your new journey! Xo
Great post! All true! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Kim 🙂 XO
As a fairly new ‘social’ blogger, these are great tips I can use! Thanks so much for sharing this on my FB page. 🙂
Wonderful! So glad you found this useful! You made my night! XO
You’ve included some very good advice here, Christine.
Thanks so much! That’s what I was hoping for! XO Have a good night 🙂
Activity is key! Right on with the post!
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment Derek! Great to have you here! Xo
Awesome blogging tips…I agree with all of them!!! It is fun to watch blogs grow and to find new ones to read:-) I actually am not sure what brought me here, but I love to read yours:-)
You’re the sweetest Jocelyn! Thanks so much! Can’t wait to try out that recipe!!! Hope you will link up again and again! Xo
love the post, these are great tips
Thank you! You made my night! Xo
I really agree with all your suggestions. If you can’t do them all, then focus on involvement. The more people know you, the more they care about you and your blog. ~ Maureen
Exactly Maureen! Thanks for stopping by! Xo
Love the post! I’m following most but there are areas you mentioned which I can (and will) improve – To blog from South Africa is a bit difficult, I only get about 5% stats from my own country! But, on Tuesday after 59 posts and 57 days (of actual blogging) I hit 10 000 pageviews .. I really am too new with this to know whether it is good, average or so-so. Thanks for the tips.
Congrats on hitting the big 10,000 Linda! We alleys can improve ourselves in anything and everything! You post great stuff, keep at it! Xo
The “be real” tip is a biggie; the most comments (and hits) I’ve ever received was on a brutally honest, real-life-hurts-bit-there-is-real-hope kind of post.
Most def Ginger! People want to be able to relate to you. In a way, by logging we have thrown ourselves into the public eye, so it always helps to be relatable! Xo
First, congrats on the major uptick in traffic. That is awesome!
Second: Thanks so much for the tips. It is always interesting {and helpful} to read what has helped other bloggers grow their blog.
Thanks so much Shannah! Glad to have given you some insight from a newer-ish loggers point of view. Xo
Great tips – I just went and checked to make sure I wasn’t a “No Reply” blogger. 🙂 Thank you!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read Ashley! Xo
You’ve got it going on girl! Bloggers are wise to listen to all your awesome tips!!! Xo, Aimee
Aww you’re the sweetest Aimee! I’m so flattered you took the time to stop by a read this MONSTER of a post 🙂 xo
great post,and yes …when you start this…you don’t know what all u need to do…to really grow your blog…Me I still have so much to do…Facebook…I really need to do..I tweet but not regularlly and Pin…I need to do a board with a few of my own things…
I have to say…working on the projects themselves can be time consuming and I find I sometimes spend more time creating…its a matter of finding balance
Facebook is a big one for sure! I have my twitter acct linked to my fb so when I post on Fb it automatically goes to a tweet as well. Most of my traffic comes from FB and PINTEREST. Pin pin pin! Everything you do should be pinned so it links back to your blog! Good luck Kathryn! Thanks for stopping by and reading xo
I really needed to read these tips.. I’ve been blogging
for over two years now and thought I was lost in space
but you helped open my eyes…
thanks so much
You made my day Sandy! We can always work on improving ourselves in everything we do! Thank you for coming over and reading 🙂 xo
Great advice. Yes, you have to be very active for your blog to grow. You can’t just sit there and think well, come find me.
Exactly Kim! Thanks for taking the time to come over and read 🙂 xo
Great post! You have really got the whole blogging thing organised over here-well done!
How funny about your best pin too. Pity I don’t have any pets or I’d try it!
Best wishes,
Natasha in Oz
Thanks for stopping by Natasha! Xo
Good tips and suggestions! Blogging takes a lot of time, but it’s also fun and you meet so many wonderful people.
I’m happy to be a new follower, and hope you’ll stop by, Mary Alice
You’re the sweetest Mary Alice! You made my night. I’ll stop over soon! Thanks for following along xo
What a great post! I laughed out loud at your statement about blogging being like reality TV. It’s true – we do love to know that we aren’t alone in our silly mistakes and mishaps. I love when people share real life on their blogs, It’s all about connecting. Well done!
Thanx SO much for posting this!! Great ideas!!
I’m glad I found your blog thru Wow Us Wednesday. Now following!
Thanks Jenny, you made my night 🙂
Thanks for the tips. I have been blogging for a few years but am KINDA in blogging purgatory. YOu see, we are selling this house and building a new one and my house is “staged” so I can’t DO anything!!!! The darn house has to be SHOW READY all the time. But I keep plugging away. I came over from Wow and am so glad I found you! XO, Pinky
Uggh that must be so frustrating! I think I would go ballistic if that were me! Fingers crossed you sell quickly, and soon enough you’ll be back to full blown decorating/diying/and blogging! Thanks so much for stopping over Pinky. XO
Great tips! Thanks for all the encouragement, I really need a bit of that sometimes!
Still learning!!! Great post. Thanks.
New to your blog from Savvy Southern Style.
Thanks for the advice! I definitely have a problem with “it has to be perfect to post it!” Not that I’m perfect by any means, but you know what I mean!
Great post. Thanks for all the great tips.
Thanks so much for sharing this information! I did not have my email address listed on my blog so this was a big help! 🙂 I also love the name of your blog–we live and love in our first home and your blog name makes me smile. 🙂 Brooke
These are great ideas. I have a tendency to just show all the perfect stuff on my blog, and it is good to hear from another blogger that it is okay to make mistakes and not be perfect sometimes. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your tips with us ( newbies) for the tips. I seem to be doing alot of those already but there’s always room to improve and grow.
I agree with every single thing you have said here! Well done. I love what you said about editing pictures. I agree that the camera isn’t the main player…it’s the editing. Thank you for linking up to our party!
Thanks for all of this information. I thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning from each and everyone.
Thank you for all of this practical and helpful information. I learned a lot. I am coming over from the Gold Medal Blogging Tips Link.
thanks for the tips. They are all very useful and thanks for joining Jane’s linky party.
Thanks for the tips. They are all so useful And, thanks for linking to Jane’s linky party.
Great advice. Hopping over from Ann today on On Sutton Place
Great post! My first time visiting your site – now also following you on FB! Visiting from the blog tips linky party.
Fresh Picked Vintage
VERY helpful post! Thank you! I’ve never heard of PicMonkey before, so I hopped on over there, because I’ve been trying to figure out how everyone is putting these big beautiful pictures on their blogs! I just have one question: does it take REALLY long to SAVE your pictures or am I doing something wrong? 🙂