This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group®, Rubbermaid, Jif, and Smucker’s, but all my opinions are my own. #aBetterLunch #pmedia
As this post goes live, I am currently coming home from dropping off my daughter at her first day of Kindergarden…
Most likely I was the mom with her hair tied up in a sloppy pony tail wearing yoga pants and a tank top. I probably wanted to look somewhat pulled together even though I stumbled out of bed and threw those things on in a pre-coffee haze, so I slapped on some mascara and lip gloss, and possibly blush…possibly. Oh and chances are I didn’t wear water proof mascara, because I forgot to buy it and now I have tear stained mascara cheeks. I bet I look lovely…
(Note to self: You should have bought water proof mascara, write that down for next year.)
You see…In my defense, I was more worried about making sure I had all the back-to-school papers signed and stuffed into a manilla folder. I needed to make sure my daughter’s uniform was ironed, and her hair was just right. I had to make her a special first day of school breakfast and take a bazillion pictures of her as she was getting ready to head out the door…But one thing that I know was ready to go was her lunch. A healthy, pre-packed lunch that I had taken care of last night, and it gave me peace at mind knowing she would be eating well even when I wasn’t there with her…
I’ve got to admit that when I was making her lunch, the water works were flowing. It was like taking a trip down memory lane, only I was the one making it for my child (how did that happen?!) Wait, don’t answer that…I know how…
I can still remember opening up my lunch box to see what my mom packed me. PB&J sandwiches made regular appearances then and they are a lunch time favorite now 20+ years later so it only seems right to pack her something that I know she will love to eat, and I’ll feel good about sending her off to school with!
Jif creamy peanut butter and Smucker’s concord grape jelly on whole wheat bread (no crust, of course!) I even used a cute heart shaped cookie cutter to make it a little extra special.
I don’t know how your lunch was packed when you were a kid, but my mom always used little baggies to separate my items. One thing that bothered me was by the time lunch rolled around my chips were crumbs, my apple slices were sauce and my sandwich was so squished that it was almost unrecognizable. Things have definitely changed when it comes to packaging and building a better lunch over the years, that’s for sure!
Rubbermaid LunchBlox kits are BPA free, dishwasher, freezer, microwave safe and can totally take the hassle out of pre-prepping for school lunch. No more fussing with baggies and wondering how you’re going to keep items cold. The LunchBlox sandwich kit I picked up comes with 2 small containers (perfect for nuts, pretzels, raisins, yogurt, veggie dip…) 1 snack size container (perfect size for fruits and veggies, cheese and crackers…) a generous size sandwich container that could easily hold a bundle of grapes and sliced strawberries along with a sandwich, and an ice pack to keep everything chilled until lunchtime! The really neat thing about these containers is the way they are designed. Everything fits together like a stackable puzzle to form a blocked shape-hence the LunchBlox name.
*We actually did a few practice runs this past week to get her used to opening things on her own. Plus I had put a timer on to show her that she had to eat within a certain amount of time, so this was one of her “practice lunches” to give you another example of how much stuff these containers hold!
Perfect sized for kids and lunch packing adults…
I was able to make my daughter’s lunch the night before and keep everything in the fridge knowing that it would stay fresh in the air tight containers.
Packing everything up the next morning took all of 2 minutes, which was just enough time for my coffee to brew, and hubs to think I was superwoman for putting together this lunchtime spread faster than he could blink! (Shhh, our little secret!) ::wink::
I’m so smitten with these LunchBlox kits that I’m going to grab a few more next time I’m out at Target! Not only are they convenient, they’re a money saver too! These Rubbermaid LunchBlox kits will pay for themselves within a week of use, and will help you build a better lunch because you won’t have to buy any more of the prepackaged (usually) high sugar or salt stuff and instead load up your kids containers with good whole foods like fruits, veggies, nuts etc…
Psst…Right now through 12/31/2013 you can use these LunchBlox coupons to stock up and save! So take advantage because that’s an awesome deal!
Did your baby head back to school today? How did you handle it? What did you pack up in his/her lunch box? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
Talk to you soon guys, take care!
Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio says
Aww! I #lovethat idea of everything in its place. And guess what? I use the same heart shape for my two littles girls sandwiches too. (Of course, the too cool high schooler is way over that) But she still only brings her lunch. Never buys. These would be great for keeping them organized in the fridge too. That way no one can say “Mommy you can me her ___today.
I’ll have to look for them at Tar-jay! Thanks Christine!
Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio recently posted…Frugal Fashionable Back To School Craft for Kids
Melanie @Growing to Four says
I also bought the lunch blox containers for my daughter. I actually bought two sets and I love them so far!