Organizing and cleaning I don’t mind at all but when it comes to laundry it’s a different story! Here’s 10 life changing laundry hacks I use to make make my life easier and yours will be too…

Getting rid of laundry stains-
Tip 1: When it comes to stains, it’s helpful how to know to get rid of them. That’s why keeping a stain cheat sheet nearby comes in handy. I’ve had one I made a while back that I kept in my laundry caddy but recently found and ordered this one on Amazon
In the meantime, while researching the best way to remove a stain on your cheat sheet or online, soak it. The faster you soak a stained item of clothing in warm water, the easier it will be to remove it.
Tip 2: My favorite method for removing a stain is by using my homemade stain remover, but sometimes you need a little more help…

Tip 3: That’s why I like keeping a laundry caddy right above my washer so I can get to what I need easily.

By keeping a caddy it allows me to hold all laundry related items in one place and keep the area organized.
What I have in there:
- scrub brush
- toothbrush
- baking soda
- tennis balls
- balled up tinfoil
- hydrogen peroxide/dish washing mixture
- vinegar
- stain pens
- bleach pen
Tip 4: Use cold water. Its unnecessary to use warm or hot water for every day loads of laundry. About 90 percent of energy consumed while running a load is used to heat the water and an average household can save roughly $40 on your bill a year if you make the switch. Also, using hot water to clean colored clothing can actually make the dyes bleed and cause fading prematurely.
If you find your sports gear (gym clothes, hunting gear etc.) still smells funky after a cold wash…
Tip 5: Soak it in half vinegar and water overnight and then pop it in the wash again. It should be good as new.
Let’s talk about the dryer-
Tip 6: When I’m drying something big and bulky like a comforter or pillows, I throw a couple tennis balls into the dryer as well. It helps speed up the drying process and keeps everything fluffed.
Tip 7: I also keep a rolled up ball of aluminum foil in my laundry caddy. Throwing that in the dryer helps reduce static.

Tip 8: A trick I’ve used forever to get wrinkles out of clothing is to throw some ice in the dryer after they’re already dry. The steam created will release the wrinkles and you wont have to whip out the iron! {fist bump} 😉
Tip 9: Another nifty little tip…use a clean flat iron that you would use on your hair. This especially comes in handy when I wash and dry my curtains. I simply hang them back up on the rod and use the flat iron to get out any wrinkles easily and effortlessly.

Tip 10: Make life easier by doing the laundry prep beforehand. When you buy a new piece of clothing, read the tag on how to care for it. I then use a sharpie to mark the tag so I know what to do from then on. Things that can’t go in the dryer get a red X, dry clean only gets a purple DC, handwash gets a green HW, and cold water wash only gets a blue C. This way there’s no questioning or mistaking anything, and its a lot easier to take care of long term.
I hope you found these tips helpful and will be able to tackle laundry loads easier than ever before! Let me know in the comments below if you have an awesome laundry tip to share! I’d love to hear what you do.
Talk to you soon friends, take care!
[…] out? I’d love to hear about your tips and tricks too in the comments below! and check out these 10 laundry hacks that changed my life while you’re here […]